The Couch Critic

By Chip Murphy

What is The Couch Critic? I intended for The Couch Critic to be me about TV and hoops - mainly the Knicks. Instead, I’m just going to write about whatever I want. It could be sports, gambling, or TV. I want to write the way I talk so this is going to be me rambling on about the things that I love.

Who am I? My name is Chip Murphy. I’m a die-hard Knicks fan and a bad gambler who watches more basketball and random TV than I should.

When I was in high school, I wanted to be a sports writer. I thought I’d grow up and write about the Knicks for a living. I was an idiot in high school. Now I just want to write.

I still love the Knicks and (shameless plug alert) write about them for the great site KnicksFanTV. I will probably have some Knicks content in this newsletter but chances are I will reserve some of it for KFTV.

Why did I start this? Advice from my brother and some friends that they’d like to hear my thoughts in a newsletter like this. I’m proud to bring this idea to you, and I hope you enjoy it.

Feedback is always welcome!


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My ramblings about the things I love